Sort DataVolley attack codes
- ac
character: character vector of attack codes to sort
- by
string: method to use, currently only "XV" (any other value will default back to using
without modification). "XV" will place X and V codes first (in numerical order, with each X preceding its matching V) then everything else in alphabetical order after that- na.last
logical: passed to
ov_sort_attack_codes(c("V5", "V1", "X6", "CF", "X5"))
#> [1] "V1" "X5" "V5" "X6" "CF"
if (FALSE) {
## sorting might be useful for controlling the plot order when facetting
## a `ggplot` by attack code
mydata$attack_code <- factor(mydata$attack_code,
levels = ov_sort_attack_codes(unique(na.omit(mydata$attack_code))))
ggplot(mydata, ...) + facet_wrap(~attack_code)